Working Papers Seminar Series 2024-2025
Jocelyn Olcott and Tania Rispoli
4 August 2024The working papers seminar will start its third year in September 2024 with generous support from a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) collaborative research grant.
Fall Semester 2024
Men, Masculinities, and Care (organized by Riikka Prattes)
Tuesday, September 10, 9-11am ET
Obert Tawodzera (University of Birmingham), “Migrant Men in Care: Disrupting Traditional Narratives in the Global Care Economy”
Richard Gater (Cardiff University), “Marginalised Young Men and Masculinities”
Niall Hanlon (Technological University Dublin) & Shaaista Moosa (University of KwaZulu-Natal)
Working with Time-Use Studies
Friday, September 27, 9-11 am ET
Vijayamba R. (National Law School of India University, Bengaluru), Rosa Abraham (Azim Premji University, Bengaluru), Raghav Srinivasan (Azim Premji University, Bengaluru), “Women’s Time Use Between Paid and Unpaid Work in India”
Jheelum Sarkar (American University), “Climate Shocks and Women’s Time Poverty: A Case Study from India”
Dileni Gunewardena (University of Peradeniya) & Ashvin Perera (Verité Research), “Valuing Unpaid Care Work in Sri Lanka using the National Time Use Survey 2017: First Estimates”
Nancy Folbre (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) & Pallavi Choudhuri (National Council of Applied Economic Research)
Technologies of Care
Friday, October 18, 12-2pm ET
Fulden Arisan (University of Chicago), “Precarious Technocitizens: Global Infrastructures and Informal Networks of Cochlear Implant Care in Turkey”
Mercer Gary (Drexel University), “Bolstering the Value of Care Within and Against the Technological Imperative”
Shelley Park (University of Central Florida)
Julia Ticona (Penn University)
Reproductive and Environmental Justice across the US-Mexico Border
Friday, November 1, 12-2pm ET
Lara Islinger (Activist and Independent Researcher), “Feminist Abortion Accompaniment: An Emerging Model of Care in the US”
Carolina Prado (San Francisco State University), “Fronteriza Care Work Epistemology and the Colectivo Salud y Justicia Ambiental in Tijuana, México”
Naomi Braine (CUNY)
Michelle Téllez (University of Arizona)
Unpaid Caring Labor
Wednesday, November 13, 10am-12pm ET
Nomi Friedman-Sokule (Bar Ilan University), “Marginal children: child support guidelines and the (de)value of care”
Vanesa D’Alessandre, Florencia Caro Sacchetti & Bruno Muñoz (CIPPEC Argentina), “The Basic Care Basket. Making Visible the Link between Households, Capabilities, and Unpaid Work”
Eileen Boris (UC Santa Barbara)
Pilar Gonalons-Pons (Penn University)
Measuring Care
Friday, December 6, 12-2pm ET
Gabriela Elisa Morales (Scripps College), “Embodied Redistribution: State Care, Indigenous Medicine, and the Labor of Healing in Bolivia”
Adrianna Munson (University of Nevada) & Gullermina Altomonte (NYU), “Quantifying daily life: Measurement and testing in home health care”
César Ernesto Abadía-Barrero (University of Connecticut)
Enrico Maria Piras (Fondazione Bruno Kessler; University of Verona)
Spring Semester 2025
Posthuman Infrastructures Against Disasters
Friday, January 17, 10am-12pm ET
Anna Rosińska (Joint Research Center), Alberto Barausse (University of Padua), Susan Thieme (University of Bern), “Caring in and for the Lagoon. Towards the Integration of the Care Infrastructure and Ecosystem Services Perspectives”
Noortje Keurhorst (University of Vigo), “Care as Destruction: the case of the Galician monte and the Brigadas Deseucaliptizadoras”
Urban Care
Friday, January 31, 10am-12pm ET
Deniz Ay (University of Bern), “Care-Full Municipalisms to Mitigate the Social Reproduction Crisis at the Urban Scale”
Elif Irem Az (Harvard University), “Zones of Finite Care: the State, the Activist and the Humanitarian”
Environment, Labor, Transhuman
Friday, February 14, 12-2pm ET
Emma Park (New School for Social Research), “Of Transhumant Livelihoods, Cattle, and Enclosure in Late-Nineteenth Century Eastern Africa”
Olumayowa Anjolaoluwa Willoughby (Cornell University), “Making Up People: The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Manumitted Ottoman Africans to Afro-Turks”
Creating Common Care (Bilingual Seminar)
Friday, April 4, 10am-12pm ET
Jazmin Goicochea Medina (Indipendent Scholar), “La ética feminista del cuidado en agenda: el caso de los comedores populares de Lima”
Anaïs Roig (Université Paris Cité), ““Es amor y es trabajo no pago”, el devenir profesión del cuidado comunitario de personas mayores en la economía popular”
Communities of Care (Bilingual Seminar)
Friday, April 18, 12-2pm ET
Ana Julia Bustos (CLASCO, Argentina), “Mujeres migrantes sostén, expansión y apertura crítica de los cuidados comunitarios en la movilidad”
Magali N. Alloatti (IOM, Brazil) & Ana Luiza Matos de Oliveira (ECLAC, Mexico), “‘Where’ does care work happen? Analyzing the distribution of carework in the Mexican case”