Marija Bartl

16 April 2023

Marija is Professor of Transnational Private Law at the Amsterdam Law School and the Director of the Amsterdam Centre for Transformative Private Law. She teaches several courses, including ‘Private law in European and International Perspective’ and ‘Law as a Change-Maker’. Marija has acquired her PhD from the European University Institute in Florence, with a thesis […]

Marija is Professor of Transnational Private Law at the Amsterdam Law School and the Director of the Amsterdam Centre for Transformative Private Law. She teaches several courses, including ‘Private law in European and International Perspective’ and ‘Law as a Change-Maker’. Marija has acquired her PhD from the European University Institute in Florence, with a thesis Legitimacy and European Private Law.

Marija has held appointments as a Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Nantes, Visiting Fellow at the Harvard Law School, Boston University and the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Law in Hamburg. She was also a Teaching Fellow at the VMU in Kaunas, Lithuania. Marija serves as a member of the Steering Committee of the Euromemorandum Group, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Ius Commune Research School..


Marija’s research agenda revolves around the relationship between law and social change. In her VENI research project ‘Bringing Democracy to Markets: TTIP and the Politics of Knowledge in Postnational Governance’ (funded by Dutch Research Council), Marija explores the co-constututive relationship between institutions (democratic or not), laws and expert knowledge in the re-shaping of global political economy.  At present, Marija is completing a manuscript, titled ‘Toward a New Collective Imaginary’, which aims to articulate the imaginary of progress that will come to replace the neoliberal one.

Marija’s new research project explores the possible contribution of law, and private law in particular, to the socio-ecological transformation. She has been recently awarded an ERC Starting Grant for a project titled ‘Law as a Vehicle of Social Change: Mainstreaming Non-Extractive Economic Practices. In this research project she fucuses on the question how private law could nurture socially and environmentally non-extractive economic practices.

Selected publications:

Market Imaginaries and European Private Law,  Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 2019; and P. Kjear, The Law of Political Economy, CUP 2019.

Internal Market Rationality: In the Way of Re-imagining the Future, European Law Journal 1/2018.

Contesting Austerity: On the Limits of the EU ‘Knowledge’ Governance (Journal of Law and Society, 1/2017).

Making transnational markets: the institutional politics behind the TTIP (‘Europe and the World: A Law Review’, University College London Press, 1/2017).

Regulatory Convergence through the Backdoor: TTIP’s Regulatory Cooperation and the Future of Precaution in Europe (German Law Journal, 4/2017).

with C. Leone: Minimum Harmonisation and Article 16 CFR: Difficult Times Ahead for Social Legislation?, in H. Collins, S. Grundmann, ‘EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and European Contract Law’, Intersentia, 2017.

Internal Market Rationality, Private Law and the Direction of the Union: Resuscitating the Market as the Object of the Political (European Law Journal,  4/2015).

The Way We Do Europe:  Subsidiarity and the Substantive Democratic Deficit (European Law Journal, 1/2015).