Sarah Small

23 February 2023

Sarah F Small, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the department of economics at the University of Utah. She earned her PhD in economics at Colorado State University and was previously a research fellow at Duke University’s Center for the History of Political Economy, a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Women and Work at […]

Sarah F Small, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the department of economics at the University of Utah. She earned her PhD in economics at Colorado State University and was previously a research fellow at Duke University’s Center for the History of Political Economy, a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Women and Work at Rutgers University, and a research associate at Root Policy Research. She is the book review editor for Feminist Economics and her research focuses on a variety of topics including intrahousehold bargaining, care work, history of feminist economic thought, and feminist methodology. In addition to publishing several grant-funded policy reports, Sarah has recently published academic articles in the following journals: Review of Radical Political Economics, History of Political Economy, Forum for Social Economics, Eastern Economic Journal, and Feminist Economics.