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Working Papers Seminars 2025-2026

In the 2025-2026 academic year, Revaluing Care in the Global Economy will continue its series of working-papers seminars supported by a National Endowment for the Humanities Collaboration Grant.  These seminars are primarily intended to provide space for emerging and underrepresented scholars to workshop an article- or chapter-length piece of writing in preparation for publication.  Each seminar will showcase pre-circulated papers by two authors, who will participate in selecting two respondents to comment on their work.  Seminars are conducted over Zoom, open to any registered participant, and include translated captioning in various languages.

Revaluing Care in the Global Economy explores the imbricate nature of social, cultural, and ecological care and starts from the recognition that some of the most innovative solutions to what’s been called a “crisis of care” emerge from communities that have long been suspicious of the standard repertoire state-, market-, and technology-based solutions. We focus on three principal research areas:  metrics (e.g., how to measure care, how it affects care when we try to measure it); governance (e.g., how laws and policies both foster and reflect normative values of care); and social practices (e.g., how various practices and social formations inform attention or inattention to care).

For the coming academic year, we are interested in any work related to revaluing care, particularly scholarly research focused on community economies and care beyond capitalism; tensions between care and security (security as a form of care as well as the ways that care often entails surveillance and policing); campaigns for a right to care, including social movements and state policies; the idea of caring for territory (cuidar el territorio) as a way of addressing various modes of care (social, cultural, and ecological) as well as the role of violence (state violence, gender violence, slow violence of political economy, etc.); intersections with disability studies; and matters of care within and around issues of migration, asylum, and refugee status.

We are particularly interested in providing a forum for discussions that bridge quantitative and qualitative methods; that cross disciplines among the arts, humanities, and social sciences; and that invite comparisons across different contexts.  Therefore, authors might be paired with authors or respondents whose work has topical or conceptual affinities with their own but differs in methodology, subject matter, or epistemological orientation.

Authors who commit to participating in the seminar are expected to:

  • submit an article-length paper to send to respondents and share with registered seminar participants at least two weeks before the scheduled seminar
  • write a short blog post of 500-1000 words about their research, making it accessible to a more general audience of non-specialists
  • participate in at least one other seminar apart from the one in which they are presenting their own work

Authors will also have the option to publish their papers in the Revaluing Care open-access journal.

For each seminar, we will offer a $250 honorarium to each author. ​​One thing to note:  we are required to withhold taxes on honoraria paid to foreign nationals.  You can find more information here about various tax agreements and procedures for requesting reimbursement of withholdings. We will also invite two respondents, who will lead off the discussion and offer the authors written comments on their work. Although the papers under discussion should be research-based, the authors need not have any academic affiliation.  Those interested should submit a working title, brief (c. 250-word) abstract, and a short (c. 100-word) bio to by March 1st, 2025. 

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“Histories and Futures of Care”. The Fourth Global Carework Summit

The Carework Network is taking this opportunity of its 25th anniversary to reflect on the histories and futures of carework research and the study of care more broadly during a bilingual (Spanish and English) three-day conference bringing together researchers and advocates from around the world. From 5th to 7th June 2025, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Submission by September 15, 2024

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“Historias y futuros del cuidado”. Cuarto Encuentro Global de Trabajo de Cuidado

La Red de Trabajo de Cuidado (Carework Network) está aprovechando esta oportunidad del vigésimo quinto aniversario para reflexionar sobre las historias y los futuros de la investigación del trabajo de cuidado, así como el estudio de los cuidados en general. Esto se llevará a cabo durante una conferencia bilingüe (en español e inglés) de tres días que reunirá a investigadores y activistas de diferentes partes del mundo. Desde el 5 al 7 de junio, 2025. Universidad de Duke, Durham, Carolina del Norte. Pueden enviar propuestas hasta 15 de Septiembre 2024