Nancy Folbre

Unpaid Work, Animated

11 June 2020

About half of all the time devoted to work in the U.S. is devoted to unpaid work in the home.

Responsibility Time

27 May 2020

If there was ever a time we urgently needed to know more about time use, that time has come. The Covid-19 pandemic utterly changed daily rhythms for many sequestered households and the “opening up” process closed down some old routines.

The Homemade Value-Added Stabilizer

19 May 2020

During the Covid-19 pandemic, unpaid work served not only as a social safety net, but also as an automatic stabilizer.

Italian Feminists: In Defense of Caregivers

9 April 2020

“The recent ‘Cura Italia’ (Care for Italy) decree, issued by the Italian Government, does not “take care” of domestic workers, home-based caregivers for the elderly and child minders.”

The Care Theory of Value

8 April 2020

The limits of markets also help explain why we expect workers who provide care services. This expectation, generally though not always fulfilled, makes it difficult for care workers to threaten to withdraw their services; it lowers their bargaining power.

Are We All Care Workers Now?

4 April 2020

Who, exactly, are care workers, other than the people we need most right now, as the covid-19 pandemic overlays the division of labor with a new division of risk?

View from a Blue Rurality

2 April 2020

We are the lucky ones, distancing in an already pretty distanced place. On country roads, plenty of space for walking, biking, breathing easy.

Care Work Network: Distillations #1

30 March 2020

As of March 30, 2020…

Coronavirus and the Fragility of the U.S. Economy

29 March 2020

The Roosevelt Institute organized a twitter chat on Friday, March 29th and invited me to participate, along with about twenty other people (under the hashtag #ProgressingAhead).

Coronavirus Tweet Diary

29 March 2020

March 26, 2020

Not O.K., Boomers (with postscript)

15 February 2020

I must be a boomer, because I can never remember the difference between Generations X, Y (Millennials) and Z.

Greta on Fire

29 January 2020

Greta Thunberg is highlighting a point that most economists have missed: climate change is happening so rapidly that it is threatening the economic prospects of children already born, children who lack the political or economic power to fully  represent their own interests, but are fully capable of anger, outrage, and protest at the complacency of the older generation.