Podcast: Undervaluing the Work of Care
Nancy Folbre
7 November 2023Check out this wide-ranging, international, and interdisciplinary discussion of the many reasons why care work is undervalued.

Here is your chance to listen to—and hopefully share—a top-notch podcast recorded last June, ancillary to the latest conference on Transforming Care at the University of Sheffield, the 6th in a series of conferences organized by the Center for International Research on Care, Labour, and Equalities (CIRCLE).
Shereen Hussein of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who organized the discussion, draws on her experience researching care delivery in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe, with particular attention to migrant workers.
Duncan Fisher, a Scot currently working with the Centre for Care at the University of Sheffield researching care workers’ organizing activities, serves as moderator, and keeps the discussion on track (plus, you’ll hear a lovely lilt in his voice). He contributed another post on Care Talk, The Uncaring Rewards of Paid Care, that describes some of his own fieldwork.
Naomi Lightman, a sociologist at Toronto Metropolitan University, shares some highlights of her research on immigrant care workers in Canada. She too, has posted on Care Talk (See her Citizens in Waiting)
I was also part of the discussion in Sheffield, and listening to it again reminded me of how much can be gained from the kinds of dialogue that emerge both inside and alongside good international conferences. I have been slow to embrace the podcast world, being more of a visual thinker. This podcast has turned me around, making me realize that this blog should pay more attention to the audio realm.
I won’t say more here because the linked podcast literally speaks for itself. Instead, I am indulging in some wild and enthusiastic colors for the doodled illustration.
The cover picture is designed by Nancy Folbre
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Alicia Girón
Its and excellent podcast, Nancy Folbre, Naomi and Shereen