Ecological care

Destruction as Care

31 January 2025

Destruction as care means imagining more-than-human flourishing. The experience of Galician common lands challenges the idea that care only sustains life. Acts of destruction, like cutting trees, can also be care, questioning whose life is being reproduced and why. More-than-human relationalities in land management expand ideas of ecological reciprocity.

Caring in, for, and of the Venetian Lagoon

31 January 2025

Venice and its lagoon are an excellent showcase and laboratory for how social and environmental intertwine. Care writing offers many mature theoretical perspectives that combine the analysis of social and environmental systems and call for a joint study of human and nonhuman care. The time is ripe for the next step: joint empirical research on these topics, emphasizing the need for immediate action to address global care and environmental crises.

Environment, Labor, Transhuman 

31 January 2025

Join us on Friday, February 14, from 12 pm to 2 pm ET for a discussion on care, race and ecology.

Extraction, Nourishment, and the Labor of Healing in Bolivia

20 January 2025

Indigenous traditional healers in Bolivia expressed optimism when Evo Morales expanded opportunities for them to work in the formal health care system. Yet some also grew frustrated when they received no salary and minimal material support in public institutional settings.

Urban Care 

17 January 2025

Join us on Friday, January 31, from 10 am to 12 pm ET for a discussion on care, labor, and urban transformation

Ecological Care

5 January 2025

On Friday, January 17, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET, we will convene for a session exploring the intersections of care, ecology, and infrastructure.

Reading/Practice Group on “Hospicing Modernity” 

Let’s get together to read and practice how we can interrupt the modern behavior patterns that are killing the planet! Co-promoted with the Franklin Humanities Institute.

Working Papers Seminar Series 2024-2025

4 August 2024

The working papers seminar will start its third year in September 2024 with generous support from a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) collaborative research grant.

“Taking care of our territories”: popular economies, community care and self-organization in Colombia

14 July 2024

The aim of this blog post is to present some preliminary reflections on the political productivity of community care and popular economies in the Colombian context. Introducing debates around popular economy, I will refer to three concrete experiences and formulate some questions and hypothesis on the possibility of political disputes for popular economy frameworks in the contemporary scenario.

Growing vegetables, making homes

15 January 2024

Homes are made in more ways than one. They are made as entanglements of agencies that are both material and discursive: a bed, somewhere to cook, maybe some family members, hopefully a place where you might feel comfortable. Indeed, the phrase ‘to be at home’ refers to a sense of ease, or belonging. Homes are […]


17 November 2023

Perhaps you’re curious to know—just hypothetically–how far the current value of global cryptocurrency could go toward increasing the supply of child care in the U.S.

Caregiving Skills for the Planet

20 September 2023

Reflections on why we need to consider social and ecological caregiving together.